I am a nice guy. I am a reasonably well-liked guy. I have a hearty circle of friends and a large family.
I have a respectable number of Instagram followers.
I’m also a writer. As a writer publishing through small publishing houses, and independent presses, I do most of my marketing myself. I count on my social media accounts to help get my name out there, generate interest in my work, and yes, I count on them to sell my books.
I have a decent number of Instagram followers.
So, let’s review: I’m a nice guy with good family and friend support. I’m a writer who relies on his Instagram profile to make his publishing dreams a reality. For me, Instagram followers literally mean potential readers, possible fans, and hopefully, money in the bank.
For my dreams to come true as a writer, I need Instagram followers. I need huge numbers of Instagram followers.
When singers and athletes have Instagram followers numbering in the millions, and in some elite cases, with numbers entering the hundred-million-plus Instagram follower range, a guy like me—nice and as reasonably liked as I am—needs help. Let’s face it. I need major help.
I am deeply thankful for companies who offer to help me gain Instagram followers. I have now decided to proudly patronize those companies who will help me increase the number of my Instagram followers.
Their prices are reasonable. Their service is invaluable. What they offer is honourable, and positive. These companies give everyday people, average joes like me a chance to compete in a world dominated by mega-celebrities and entertainment giants.
Do I believe in my writing? Yes! Do I believe in myself? Affirmative!
I believe that the words that I write, and the value of the artistry of my work are worth being shared, purchased, and shared some more, among a wider and wider circle of people. Gaining Instagram followers is one integral way I can get my work purchased and shared.
Purchasing Instagram followers is an honest, savvy way for me to boost my social media footprint. The companies that sell Instagram followers are entrepreneurs who are willing to help a fellow dreamer achieve a voice that can be heard over the cacophony of shouts in the crowded public square we share today. These companies offer a service that will help me find and maintain a vital presence in the frenetic marketplace of ideas and products.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms aren’t just for teenagers taking selfies with their besties, or parents posing with their children on the beach. Social media also exists to promote art, culture, and consumerism. The world of social media is just as competitive as the real world. In our world today, the world of social media is the real world. It’s a competitive world. It’s all about surviving long enough to enjoy the thriving. In this world, I need help. I’m grateful to get it.
The post There’s Nothing Wrong With Help appeared first on Buzzoid.
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